Thursday, February 10, 2011

LSS- Online Learning (Benedict Chin)

The harmful Compound which I have researched is : Methane(CH4 .) Methane is not toxic, but it is extremely flammable and my form explosive mixtures with air. It may also displace oxygen in an enclosed area. It degrades the ozone layer. It is known to everyone in common terms, as fart. 

What type of bonding is Methane under? 
Methane goes through Covalent bonding, which is the sharing of electrons from two non-metals. 

In this case, Methane is bonded by:
: Carbon(C) 

The electrons of one carbon atom shares with the electrons of four other hydrogen atoms, to form methane.

Carbon's electronic configuration is 2.4, where it can give or receive 4 more electrons to its valence shell to obtain full and stable valence shell. Carbon has atomic number :6 and is in Group : IV
Carbon are highly stable, and are not likely to react with other elements to cause explosions and stuff.

Hydrogen however has just one electron, so it takes 4 hydrogen to give to the carbon atom, to obtain a full shell. hence the formula,  CH4.     

Hydrogen is very harmless, as it occupies most of the air which we breathe in daily life; because of its abundance, it is harmless. It has atomic number 1, and is in Group : I 

Below is how it is illustrated when 4 hydrogen atoms share with one carbon atom to form a methane compound- flammable- CH4

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