Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HBL Term 2 Assignment

2) Reflect on this:
How has/will human activities in the Amazon regions affect the Allomerus decemarticulatus

Human activities in the Amazon regions will affect the ants because humans would cut the trees down or make alot of noise. This would then stop these ants from getting their prey as their traps are all made up from the tree stem. Also, noise would scare the animals and prey away and so the ants would slowly lose their preys and food if humans continue to disrupt their lives. Hence, human activities would affect the ants greatly in a negative way by stopping them from capturing their prey.

3) Answer the following questions:

a) From the extract, identify the different symbiotic relationships and cite the organisms involved.Clue: There are at least 3 types of relationship

The tree symbiotic relationships are exploitative relationships (predation, parasitism, herbivory), competition and mutualism.

Exploitative relationships- the ants and the insects flying around.

Competition- trees competing for sunlight

Mutualism- mould and trees
b) For each type of relationship you have identified in (a), name another example of a pair of organisms depicting that relationship in nature.

Exploitative relationships- snake and rabbit
Competition- Snake and eagle
mutualism- lichen

Done by : Ethan (2a212)

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