Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Online Lesson Work by Tan Ye Kai

2) The Allomerus decemarticulatus is a special ant that prefers living only in Hirtella physophor, which range is limited to Brazil and French Guiana, so their own range is limited by the range of the plant, because the ants are only found where the plant lives. That plant is where the ants live and work, in the tree pouches and they would definitely be affected by human activities in the Amazon regions. That is because if deforestation continues, and the number of Hirtella physophor dwindle, the number of the ants would also fall.

First- Allomerus decemarticulatus and Hirtella physophor. The plant has ant-domatia, leaf pouches and hollow chambers where the ants nest permanently.

Second- Allomerus decemarticulatus and Hirtella physophor. The plant benefits from the help of the ants’ traps and predation and the ants defend the plant from other insects and parasitic plants.

Third – Fungus and Allomerus decemarticulatus. The fungus helps the ants to trap other insects.

1) Mutualism- sea anemones and hermit crab
2) Commensalism - Flatworm and Horse crab
3) Competition – Different species of anemones

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