2) How has/will human activities in the Amazon regions affect the Allomerus decemarticulatus ants?
Human activities in the region include deforestation. As more trees are cut down, there would be a decrease in the number of tree hosts. With lesser hosts, the ants would not have enough “materials” to construct their traps. Thus, they would not be able to find food, and thus die of starvation. They would also be prone to predators as they do not have the shelter of the plants.
3 a) From the extract, identify the different symbiotic relationships and cite the organisms involved.
Clue: There are at least 3 types of relationship.
Mutualism: The relationship between the ants and the plant host. The plant provides the ants with shelter, and materials for constructing their trap, while the ants act as "guardians", protecting the plant from other invading species.
Commensalism: The relationship between the ants and the mould. The mould helps the ant by reinforcing their trap structure. However, the mould does not get anything in return from the ants.
Exploitative (Predation): The relationship between the ants and their prey. The ants prey on a passing insect. The ants benefit but the prey dies.
3 b) For each type of relationship you have identified in (a), name another example of a pair of organisms depicting that relationship in nature.
Mutualism: Clownfish and Sea Anemone. The sea anemone provides the clownfish with shelter from predators, while the clownfish lures unsuspecting fish into the tentacles of the sea anemone, providing it with food.
Commensalism: Remora and Shark. The shark provides the remora with protection and transport, as well as food (leftovers). However, the remora does not give anything in return, but also does not harm the shark.
Exploitative (Predation): Cheetah and Thomson Gazelle. The cheetah preys on the gazelle, and the gazelle is harmed or dead.
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