2.) Since the Amazon regions have been subject to widespread human deforestation, these ants would have more difficulty finding plants in which they can inhabit, or even to cut the hairs from the stem of the plants to build their structure for trapping their preys.
3a.) Commensalism – The ants cut the hairs of the stem and use them to build their trap structure. The ants benefit while we can say that the plants are not affected.
Predation – The ants trap the other insects that pass by their trap structure, and prey on them. The ants benefit while the insect passer-bys gets is harmed.
Mutualism – The ants put in pieces of sooty mould in the holes that they make in their structure, and the mould would quickly grow over the structure to reinforce it. The ants benefit as the mould reinforces their trap structure while the mould also benefits because it would grow.
3b.)An example of commensalism: cattle egrets foraging in fields among cattle or other livestock. As cattle, horses and other livestock graze on the field, they cause movements that stir up various insects. As the insects are stirred up, the cattle egrets following the livestock catch and feed upon them. The egrets benefit from this relationship because the livestock have helped them find their meals, while the livestock are typically unaffected by it.
An example of Predation: Lions preying on deers in the African deserts.
An example of Mutualism: Bees extracting nectars from the flowers. They might bring along pollen grains to fertilize the female part of the flowers.
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